Solving problems as objective
A client expects an attorney to provide workable solutions which are developed in alignment with a client’s business and which generate both a sustainable and economic additional benefit.
No single approach is applicable throughout the world as problems require care in crafting workable resolutions. As demands increase, a practiced hand is needed to meet challenges with legal experience and an eye to business sensitivities to create successful and often innovative outcomes.
A competent commercial lawyer does not only offer the required legal and subject-matter expertise, but provides it in the context of the client’s business. He not only understands the client’s interests and needs, but is also attuned to the underlying economic context; coupled with the required economic knowledge and expertise. He considers himself as a problem solver with legal background.
With his broad legal and economic education as well as many years of experience in both private and corporate practice; as an attorney in a law firm and as an in-house lawyer in the group-wide legal function of an international financial services group, Bruno Mascello knows the problems and issues from not only a theoretical view but also from a practical perspective. Developing close working relationships and clear channels of inclusive communication with clients allows Bruno Mascello to focus on their specific needs to deliver realistic and workable answers to existing challenges. His approach coupled with his international experience, provides to the clients valuable assistance throughout the problem definition and resolution process.
Bruno Mascello views himself as a many faceted service provider who delivers his knowledge and expertise by adding value in the right business context. He actively contributes to clients achieving their economic objectives with a specific view to resolving problems.